Saturday 1 August 2009

Rocco Buttiglione on abortion

Rocco Buttiglione is one of my role models, because of the stance that he took with regard to the question of equality for homosexuals when he was put forward to be a Commissioner of the European Union. His stance, and his explanation of it, communicated to me a complete vindication of a stand I had taken on the same issue in resigning from the Executive Committee of my trade union.

This article at ZENIT gives an account of recent reporting of his "changing his position" on abortion - which he didn't. As the report says, he remains one of the most prominent pro-life politicians there is. And, if you read the article through, you will see that he has managed to have the Italian parliament pass a resolution calling on the UN to oppose forced abortions worldwide.


Anonymous said...

Zero says
While you have been in the wilds of Wales lots has happened for you to comment on!The Pope's Cd, the Quakers oking gay marriages,assisting suicide. I expect you'll be busy at Catholic commentary.

Joe said...


See above.

Anonymous said...

Zero says
You haven't mentioned the cd yet or were you too busy ordering it in advance from Amazon?!
Re the Quakers I liked what they beieve generally ..."reaffirming our central insight that marriage is the Lord's work and we are but witnesses"