Wednesday 13 February 2008

Word of Life: "Whoever practises and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven"

Three of us have just met, as we do each month, to reflect on the "Word of Life" . The "Word of Life" is a Scripture passage chosen each month; a commentary on the passage (usually written by the President of the Focolare, Chiara Lubich) suggests ways of putting this passage into practice in daily life. A "Word of Life" group will meet each month to consider the chosen Scripture passage for that month, and to share how they might live out that passage in the coming month.

Here are our favourite passages from the "Word of Life" for February 2008:

"He will open the way for us"

"Jesus invites us to proclaim his Gospel. But before 'teaching' his words, he asks us to 'practise' them. To be credible, we ought to be 'experts' in the Gospel, a 'living Gospel'. Only then will we be able to witness to it with our lives and teach it with our words."

"We cannot keep the gift we have received to ourselves. We are called to repeat with Paul 'Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel' .... May the Gospel shine out again, through us personally, in our homes, in our cities, in our nations...The risen Lord will blaze forth with greater beauty, and he will consider us 'great in his kingdom'"

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